ProSolution Pills: A Penis Enlargement Pill with an Amazing Side Effect

All penis enlargement pills are formulated to maximize blood flow to the penis creating an extreme stretching and breaking down of the corpora cavernosa (main muscle tissue). The nutrients contained in each pill are absorbed by the torn down cell tissue in the corpora cavernosa as it attempts to recover. And this is what promotes growth in the penis.
Learn Before You Buy ProSolution Pills!
ProSolution Pills Test Results
After a series of tests, we found that ProSolution Pills enlarged the penis approximately 3 1/2 inches over a 6 month period. ProSolution Pills also helped to promote constant blood flow to the penis and even when users were not arroused the penis remained in a semi-erect state.
Another factor was that Pro Solutions helped to produce unusually hard and rock solid erections. Most ProSolution Pill sales are from repeat customers that purchase Pro Solutions Pills strictly for the rock solid erection it helps them to achieve.
What Can I Expect from ProSolution Pills?
Size and Gain varied between 3 1/2 to 4 inches depending on the users age. For instance, most users ages 21 to 44 gained an average of 3 3/4 inches. But users ages 45 and above averaged 3 1/4 inch gains. This made it very difficult for us to provide an overall growth estimate. Though there were exceptions to the rule, most gains averaged approximately a 3 1/2 inches in length with an eighteen to twenty-two percent (18 to 22%) increase in girth. Measurements were taken after 6 months of usage to ensure maximized growth.
The Penis Health Lite DVD Guide (included in the program) is a very helpful penis exercise guide for altering the length and girth of the penis. It provides unusual squeezing and stretching exercises to promote penis flexibility. We believe that the Penis Health Lite DVD is an important factor in the Pro Solutions Pills penis enlargement program.
The most noticable attributes with Pro Solution Pills are the rock solid erections and the 3 1/2 inch increases that occur within a four to six month period. The increased concentration of blood flow that fills the penis causes extremely rigid erections and periodic soreness. Though Pro Solution Pills are intended for Penis Growth, the rigid erections are an undeniable bonus.
Through extensive research we learned that weaker erections contribute to many cases of premature ejaculation. The reason for this is that soft erections inhibit the natural numbing process that occurs in the penis as opposed to when the penis is fully erect.
As the penis grows to an erect state the prostate dialates and pinches the seminal vesicle forcing it to becoming snug around the base of the penis. This traps the blood in the penis, stopping seminal flow, neurological flow and blood flow; thus creating a numbing effect throughout the penis. This is the natural occurrence that enables us to sustain and have healthy erections. But as we age our immune systems are compromised due to diet and nutrient deficiency and our reproductive systems can no longer carry out its intended functions.
What is a Realistic Time Frame for Seeing Results?
Month 1: You will receive access to the incredible Penis Health Lite program instantly upon your order. We encourage you to start reading the techniques and exercises immediatly. You'll likely notice a very visible change in your first month. Your flaccid size can greatly increase and your penis will hang thicker and meatier. Get ready for comments from you partner(s).
Month 2: Clients report that their penis begins to feel more weighted. Many clients have stated that their partners notice a BIG difference in both the look and feel during intercourse.
Month 3: Now into your third month,clients report the look and feel their penis, very different. As your penis strengthens itself, you'll likely find that both the length and thickness has increased. To avoid curvature in the penis be certain to employ the penis massages in the Penis Health Lite DVD Guide.
Month 4: Many of our clients report the greatest gains in the fourth month. Length, girth, head size and vascularity will all improve significantly.
Month 5: 4th month gains usually continue through most of the 5th month. By now, you'll probably feel like you have a new penis...
Month 6: The periodic soreness experienced during and after penis exercises will have subsided completely. The weight of your penis will seem awkward temporarily. Erections will be solid. One reported side effect is that orgasms take longer to achieve as penis remains callous for weeks to come. And remember, ALL gains are permanent.
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The length and girth it gives are the benefits of taking penis enlargement pills.